Relationship between Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are terms that are generally used interchangeably. But this is not the case. These are different terms and have different meanings and purposes. Hence, it is necessary to understand the exact meaning of these terms to avoid confusion. In other words, these are not the same thing but are interrelated and share some relation.
Before moving toward the actual relationship between these, let us understand what they signify.
Data Science
Data Science is an interdisciplinary domain that deals with retrieving some information from the given input data. In order to achieve this, the concepts of machine learning, computer science and mathematics(statistics) are being used. In simple words, data science means analyzing the data to identify patterns and relationship between various features.
Here, many people are confused between the terms data and information. Data is a raw, unstructured knowledge or facts. These are collected and kept at a single source. It does have the ability to identify the patterns or come to any output. Whereas, Information means a structured form of knowledge or facts that are derived from a data. It can be used to predict the future, identify patterns and relationships etc.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a domain that concerns developing computational theories of building models that predict and derive any output based on given data. It gives computers the ability to make decisions without any explicit programming. The machine learning process works as given below:
The input of the learning process is data and, the output is a machine learning model. A system performs a learning function with the provided dataset and, it becomes progressively better or optimized. The aim of this function and the model remains the same, that is, increasing the efficiency as the model is executed and improve the solution quality.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence consists of two words, “Artificial” which means man-made, and “Intelligence” which means power to think. Thus, artificial intelligence is the power to think that is given to any machine or robot by man(employing programming). This means making a machine or computer able to think and act like humans by programming them means artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence helps us create expert systems that exhibit intelligent behavior with the capability to learn, demonstrate, explain, and help machines find solutions to complex problems like humans do and make use of the required algorithms.
Relationship between Data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence
Data science uses skills in data wrangling, data preprocessing, statistics, data visualization, machine learning, etc. It enables us to identify meaning and appropriate information from large raw data to make informed decisions in technology, science, business, etc. Machine learning models are developed that make use of the structured data input to predict some output. Artificial intelligence is applied based on machine learning. It allows a machine the ability to think, act and decide like humans by employing suitable algorithms. Artificial intelligence is at the topmost level. Then comes machine learning followed by data science.
The difference between these concepts is given bellow:
Hope this help!
Sumedha Zaware